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The Pistoeka sabotage droid, also known as the buzz droid, was a model of sabotage droid manufactured by Colicoid Creation Nest that could speak in the Colicoid language. They were used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the later stages of the Clone Wars for purpose of disabling enemy craft. An early model was the Mark One Pistoeka sabotage droid.

They were transferred to enemy fighters via specialized discord missiles, and then popped open, to reveal their insect-looking body. They operated quickly, using a multitude of destructive tools such as drilling cutters, buzz saws, and other sharp, ship-destroying equipment. While their tools were effective, the central eye was a weak spot which could take the buzz droid out of commission when hit. Zapping this big red eye sent a chain reaction down the entire droid, and shut it down almost immediately.

Some Droid Chips contain over 70 sounds.


This is a PCB for a custom personality chip and is designed to be used with droids from the Droid Depot at Galaxy's Edge.

Pistoeka sabotage Droid Personality Chips

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